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Obsessive’s Starter Pack: Tea!

What in your starter pack are you digging into first?

OST #1: Basics
Click to explore what tea is and where it comes from. Is it super popular?

OST #2: Weird and Wonderful
Strange things put in their mouths and call tea! I need to try them all 🙂 From the really expensive, to the affordable and even something you can make at home.

OST #3: The social and the solitary
Tea blogs that I am impressed by and now read constantly, and my book wishlist.

OST #4: Tea Time Travel Bug
I have made a whole travel itinerary based on, but not limited to, visiting tea estates in Darjeeling, India.
(Not posted yet, coming soon)

Designed by Nico Venter. Visit his blog: 189.wordpress.com

Designed by Nico Venter.
Visit his blog: 189.wordpress.com

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Filed under food & Drink, I want to know about..., Obsessions